Final Submission Instructions

The Last Bit

The last bit of the course is the Exit Ticket.


Feed for the podcast here.


The format of the exit ticket is up to you.

Collect evidence detailing your greatest success in the course, and your most glorious failure (go back to the week 1 podcast if you need a reminder what a ‘glorious failure’ actually means), and put it into a new repo (make me a collaborator on it).

You will craft a framing statement around the success and the glorious fail, reflecting on where you started and where you’ve gotten to. Indicate how this evidence and your trajectory speaks to the learning outcomes for this course. Please also reference any other evidence from your repositories, things you’ve read, things you’ve written that speak to your experience. Finally, you may wish to tie this discussion to what you have learned/observed about the historic graveyard you worked on and our collective graveyard data.

In essence, you’re making the case to me now for what you understand your Digital Archaeology to be. You may, if you wish, indicate what you think your letter grade ought reasonably to be, and why (go look at the learning outcomes again; don’t just pull something out of the air).

This isn’t a long document|piece of media. You can, in a way, consider it a consolidation of your three Consolidation Docs (and you may freely draw on those docs, to make it).

You may make your repository private or public.

If you make it private, make sure to ‘invite user shawngraham’ to your repository so that I may view it. (See the Github instructions for a reminder.)

Submit work

You can log the link to your repository on this form.


This hasn’t been - I’ll wager - an easy journey for you. But it will pay you back. I promise. Thank you for joining me! Good luck on your exams, and I hope to see you face to face in my classroom next year.