Setting up your Github


Github is a code sharing website often used by digital historians. ‘Git’ is a program that takes snapshots of the current state of a folder, and stores them in sequence, allowing you to revert your changes to an earlier state. It also allows you to create branches, or duplicates of your folder, so you can experiment. If you like the results of your work, you can merge that branch back into your original.

Github therefore is a hub for sharing these git snapshots.

A branch (a copy, a duplicate) of your work uploaded to Github could therefore be copied to say my account (a fork); then I might download to my machine to work on it (I’ve pulled it). Once I’m happy with my changes, I commit them (save them to the sequence of changes that Git tracks), and then I could push those changes to the fork in my account. I would then send you a pull request or notification, asking you to pull my changes back to your account; you could then decide whether or not to merge.

I might sometimes fork your work, pull it down onto my machine, make changes that I commit, push it back online, and ask you to pull the changes back. But that won’t happen very often. It takes a while to get comfortable with this.

Get your account

  1. Got to and sign up for an account. You don’t have to use your real name. (Protip: You might want to set up an email just for signing up for things.)

github login screen

  1. Verify your account.

github account verification

  1. Select the free tier (nb: I will never require you to pay for any reading, or any software. If something wants you to pay, stop and ask for help).

github tier selection

  1. Skip telling Github anything about yourself.

github survey

  1. Do the verification email thing. Once you hit the verification link in your email, you’ll be brought back to Github to make a new repository:

new repo

  1. Give it a reasonable name; tick the ‘initialize with a readme’ box, tick off the ‘private’ box, and hit the green commit button. (Nb It’s your choice to choose public OR private):

new repo settings

  1. And on the final page, hit the ‘dismiss’ button in the ‘Github Actions box’

dismiss actions

Ta Da! You now have a github account, and you’ve created your first repository. Going Forward create a new repository for each week’s work/reflection. You can create a new repository from the plus sign in the top right corner:

another new repo

nb Remember to tick off the ‘initialize with a’ file.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll be at your Github user page:

github user page

  1. Add me as a collaborator to this and subsequent private repositories:

manage access

  1. Private Repo: Then, once you’ve clicked on ‘manage access’, click on ‘invite collaborator’,

    add collaborator

  2. Private Repo: Then find my username shawngraham, and add me:

    add shawngraham

Setting up a ‘repository’ for your work

A ‘repository’ is just a folder that you’ve shared on Github. There are two ways to do this; the easy way and the more complex way. Luck you, you have already done the easy way - you selected the initialize with a readme, and it’s already present in your browser!

But if you didn’t tick the initialize box, you’ve embarked on the more complex way. In the screenshot below, I created a new repository but I forgot to initialize it, and now I’m looking at this page:

non-initialized git

If this is you, do not despair.

When you’ve forgotten to initialize a new repo:

You’re going to have to install one or two things, and do some work at the command prompt or terminal.

  1. If you have a PC, click on this link to download and install git. Just use all of the suggested default settings when you run the installer. If you have a Mac, you can install it by opening the terminal program (click on your applications and type ‘terminal’ in the search window) and then typing in these two commands (or copy and paste). The first command starts at the / and ends at the " and you must include the entire line from slash to closing quotation mark:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

and when that finishes,

brew install git
  1. Make a new directory on your computer with the same name as the repo you created above. For my screenshotted example above, that would be week-two.
  2. On a PC, find the folder in your file explorer; click on it so that’s the folder displayed in the address bar at the top of the explorer. Then, click in the address bar and type cmd and hit enter. This will open a command prompt window for that folder, allowing you to type commands in directly. On a Mac, go to System Preferences, select Keyboard > Shortcuts > Services. Look for ‘New Terminal at Folder’ and tick the box. Open your finder; find the folder you created, right-click and select ‘open Terminal here’.



Key commands for PC:

  • dir show the contents of the current directory
  • cls clear the window so that it’s fresh again
  • cd directory-name change director to the named directory
  • cd .. change directory up one level
  • if you hit the up or down arrows you can cycle through the history of commands you’ve already typed

Key commands for Mac:

  • ls list the contents of the current directory
  • pwd print the path (location) of the current directory
  • cd directory-name change director to the named directory
  • cd .. change directory up one level
  • history prints out the entire history of commands you’ve typed this session
  • up and down arrows will cycle through this list

  1. Do you see where, in your browser at github, it says ...or create a new repository on the command line? With your command prompt or terminal open in the appropriate folder on your machine (remember, folders on your machine = repos on github), type in each line exactly as it is there (beginning with echo), hitting enter at the end of each line, in order. If the command works, you’ll just be presented with the next prompt. The computer only ever responds when there is output to print - which often means only when there is an error message to report. (nb Git might prompt you to enter your email and name, as it does in the PC video, the first time you ever do this).

Ta da! You can now go to\<your-user-name>\your-repo and you’ll see it all there tickety boo.

Making a new text file on Github

You can make a new text file by clicking on the ‘create new file’ button; remember to always use .md as the file extension. You can specify headers, links, images, bullets, blockquotes and so on by using markdown conventions

The two videos below might be a bit clearer on youtube itself.

Uploading a file into Github

You can add new files from your computer by dragging and dropping them into the main repository. At the end of this video, I show you how to display the image in the text of the reflection.

Going further

Github can also be used to run an entire website, generated from your text files. In fact, that’s how I built this course website! The following three links are from my HIST4806a 2020 seminar on digital history and museums; they will walk you through how to use your Github account to serve up a professional scholarly website; you can use this scholarly website to host your reflections and course work, if you want. Follow these three pages in order:

  1. Building Your Own Scholarly Website

  2. Customizing Your Scholarly Website

  3. Updating Your Scholarly Website