And We're Off!
   1 min read    Dr. Graham

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Check your Carleton email account this morning for a note from me about getting started in the class.

There are no zoom meetings in this class (balloons, confetti, streamers fall from ceiling, much rejoicing, etc).

There is a discord server for a class social space and for video, audio chat & screensharing (which is useful when things go wrong and you want someone to look at what you’re doing). You are under no obligation to use Discord, but if you do, the invite link is in that email I sent.

So welcome aboard; explore the site; get set up with all the bits and bobs under Week One; annotate the site with questions if there are things that are unclear to you, using your new account (remember to install the tool bar or get the plugin, to turn it on for other sites; this website already has it built-in).

Take your time, try things in small chunks, ask for help. You don’t have to do this alone!

(Featured image by Paolo Candelo)

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